Welcome to the Committee on Judiciary

A portrait photo of Kalra (Chair)
Assembly Member Ash Kalra Assembly District 25 Chair of the Judiciary Committee
A portrait photo of Dixon (Vice Chair)
Assembly Member Diane B. Dixon Assembly District 72 Vice Chair of the Judiciary Committee
For information on how to submit a position letter please see the  
Advocacy Quick Reference Guide

Position letters are due 7 calendar days prior to hearing.

Submit Position Letter

Committee Jurisdiction: Primary jurisdictions are family law, product liability, tort liability, Civil Code, and Evidence Code (excluding criminal procedure).

The Judiciary Committee is located in the Legislative Office Building, 1020 N Street, Room 104 and the phone number is (916) 319-2334.

We encourage the public to provide written testimony before the hearing by visiting https://calegislation.lc.ca.gov/Advocates/. Please note that any written testimony submitted to the committee is considered public comment and may be read into the record or reprinted.

Procedures put in place to accommodate the pandemic restrictions have been reverted back to pre-pandemic practices. Teleconference testimony during committee hearings will no longer be available.

The committee allows for two (2) main witnesses in support and two (2) main witnesses in opposition for each bill at our hearings. The Committee is not involved in the process of planning which witnesses will testify at the hearing. Main support witnesses of a bill who wish to testify at the hearing should contact the author’s office in order to coordinate their testimony. Main opposition witnesses of a bill may wish to coordinate and present their two witnesses for testimony at the hearing. Please note that each main witness testifying on a bill will have approximately two (2) minutes to give their testimony in the hearing room. All other witnesses may note their name, organization, and position.

Committee Live Stream

Tuesday, March 25, 2025


KALRA, Chair
8:30 a.m. - State Capitol, Room 437
(note time change)

Committee Information

Committee Room

Assembly Judiciary Committee
1020 N Street, Room 104
Sacramento, CA 95814
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